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Friday, October 2, 2009

The Joy Diet: Truth

Welcome to Week 3 of our journey! It always takes a little while to settle in, so please, don't sweat it if you're still finding your way or just joining in now. You are always welcome and you'll get your bearings more and more. This week we're sharing our posts on the topic of Truth and getting ready for a week of Desire. How delish is that!

If you were carrying around a little joy-meter, what would you be noticing about the joy in your life? What are you discovering about the relationship of Joy to Nothing and to Truth? Sharing our insights and discoveries brings us all closer to joy!


  1. So true Jamie, some of the truth that I faced, the harder truths were things that wanted to be known and were "banging on the door" to be let out.

    I found continuing nothing to be easy as I was working with truth because the nothing was the opening for the truth to leak out.

    Your recommendation to take "small bites" of desire is excellent...and I agree...I think we have high expectations of desire and destiny to have it all, right away. It's a process and one that is meant to be enjoyed.

  2. Oh THANK YOU for suggesting that we try not to get obsessed with figuring out our destiny and to just savor desire. I'm in such a place of transition right now that I know I would have jumped right into that obsessing. I really needed that gentle reminder and I look forward to taking a week off from trying to figure it all out and just relishing the yummmyness.

    Thanks Jamie!!

  3. I purposely posted before listening to what you would have to say about truth because I wanted to be honest about what I was feeling through this part of the journey. But I really am glad to listen to some of the ways you put it into perspective - it gives me a little different way to work at it. And it makes it seem not so daunting. Small bites works well there, too.

    This is a wonderful way to explore this book - I really like sharing it with so many others.

    Thank you, Jamie!

  4. I have posted my observations in my blog before coming here and watching your video, Jamie, so as to be original and "truthful" in what I shared. Also, though, I want to do a visual representation each week of what I am learning, my post does now show any new artwork I did this week. I have not created any yet, though I most likely will and perhaps will post that and report it later.

    I've really enjoyed reading some of everyone's comments and blog posts, though I have not gotten to everyone's. I Love reading the comments I have received on my blog too! Thank you all who did comment. I will do my best to visit more blogs this coming week.

    Hugs to all - it has not been an easy week for me, and perhaps to some of you.

  5. Oh, this was hard. It's still a work in progress. But at least I have a road map now ... better than before!

    Like Arlene before me, I have not yet watched your video, nor read anyone's posts, because I needed to be sure it was my truth I was speaking. Off to read/view now.

  6. This chapter was more challenging than I thought it would be. Thus I was comforted by your video post, Jamie. (As well as the others who have shared their challenges.)

    My takeaway from this chapter is this quote: "As far as I can tell, this process is always hard, always painful, always so, so worth it." [p. 31]

  7. I read this chapter and groaned. I had/have no desire to dig up lies/truths I've got safely tucked away. On to Chapter 3.

  8. Your video has disappeared! It was here this morning, but when I came back to watch - poof - it had vanished!

  9. Oops... Never mind. It has reappeared!

  10. I have to say that while searching for our truth was a difficult but necessary part of this journey, reading everyone elses posts was just as eye opening for me!

  11. week 3 wow.... truth. i am still deep into the marination process. i just admire everyone's journey. we are growing and going into some deep places. tyou all for sharing.

  12. It's encouraging to see that the truth can be one is happy. Most of my truths are not as fun, unfortunately, especially given the questions Martha asks. We like to read good news, but what about the reality of what hurts, what's painful? Martha prompted these questions deliberately. My own problem was not so much that uncovering these was difficult -- they are old companions of mine and I have met with them many times before -- but knowing what to do with them once they emerged from the deep...

  13. A timely journey for me. & I'm so grateful for a format that grants me my own pace.

    Such excellent companions you've drawn into this journey, Jamie.

    bright blessings!

  14. This weeks prompt was a difficult one to grasp at first, but once I allowed the truth in things went a little more smoothly!Thanks for the opportunity, this is afabulous idea!

  15. the visual journal has been helping me alot as we go along--it won't make much sense to anyone but me--but then again--I'm doing it for me...
    can't wait to get started on the new looking forward to Desire now....

  16. Hello to all groupies!! The thing I learned most this week is that I am in charge of my own life which includes the good, bad, ugly, and DISHONESTY! I am so glad I am reading this book with all of you. Finding this group now has been such PERFECT timing. Synchronicity is flying at me right now. That means I am on the right track. I learned during the week of "nothing" and the week of "truth". I know for sure the coming week of "desire" is going to be very enlightening!

  17. This week was hard for me. After posting my truth (today) I felt a release. Thank You Jamie!

  18. I posted yesterday for truth week, which was a bit tough, but today I posted again, because I had a breakthrough of sorts:) If anyone is interested in the second post just check out.

  19. I am really enjoying this journey... Thank you Jamie!!

  20. Thanks for the video Jamie. This was a difficult one - I really wan't going to post but tonight I realized I had to and found the means to do it (through Sheree)

  21. Just found you, and this is amazing. Starting in a bit late but better than never!

  22. I hope you all don't mind - I added another link to the Truth post because I hadn't gotten to do my vision card for that week until I had already posted on Friday.

    Wow! There are a lot of participants in this. How awesome! Looking forward to finishing out this week and seeing everyone's posts.


I'm so glad we're sharing the Joy Journey! Here's to amping up our joy!