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The Joy Diet Journey is now complete. Feel free to browse through our posts and follow along in your own pace, in your own time. If you're interested in finding out about more book adventures with The Next Chapter, just sign up for my newsletter and you won't miss a thing!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Welcome to the Journey

Here we are at the beginning of our journey into The Joy Diet. It's going to be delicious! Today let's introduce ourselves and welcome one another. Let's share our hopes for the next 10 weeks and get ready to dive in.

And then, starting today, let's dedicate the week to the first ingredient: Nothing. Martha invites us into a daily practice for Nothing. So take some time to read this short chapter and allow yourself to experience a week filled with spaces. Next week we can share what that experience was like.

In the video, I've also recommended a couple of practices that I hope you'll find fun and supportive over the time we share together. They are totally optional but there for you to play along with if you'd like. If you have trouble viewing the video, let me know and I'll email you the additional prompts.

Now for a wee bit of admin (it is the beginning after all, hehe):
  • Schedule: If you're finding the scheduling a bit confusing, here's an outline to help.
  • Direct Links: When adding your link to Mr. Linky (the form below) please remember to add a direct link to your week's Joy Diet post. Do not just link to your blog because then readers will have to search for your post instead of landing on it directly. For example, I would add something like not simply
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, if you're confused about anything, don't hesitate to email me. I love hearing from you.

Here's to the joy journey!



  1. Hi Jamie, I'm so ready for doing nothing! Thanks again for organizing a wonderful place to meet other kindred spirits. {soul hugs} Kathryn

  2. YAY! Let the Joy begin! Starting with Nothing is perfect! :)

  3. Just a quick "Hi" - early shift today,but taking the book for a lunch date. This looks to be another great journey.

  4. Hi. Nothing sounds good, but I have no idea what it is about since my book hasn`t arrived yet.

  5. I'm excited to be back on the book blogging group and to participate in this reading of the Joy Diet! I'm looking forward to sharing with everyone!

  6. I just know this is going to be a fun and soul enriching experience! Thanks, Jamie and Martha!

    (blogging at

  7. Doing nothing seems like something I can handle!! :)

  8. Hi everyone! I'm so looking forward to reading, writing, exploring and thinking with you during this journey!!!

  9. Hello! I'm looking forward to this lovely journey! I'll admit I've read chapter 1 already. :) I was too excited!!

  10. Yay! I love your vision card idea! Here's to a journey of joy! I'll be posting on it later today...

  11. I am really enjoying the book so far! Good choice :)

  12. Great Video as our beginning. Its going to be a Joyful experience of that I am sure..... Its great to be able to see and hear you again...

  13. Sorry I'm just geeting here, a little late. Can't wait to participate...sounds intriguing!

  14. I also just visited everyone's blog on the list and left some comments!!! lovin: collage photos, references to other great books, references to other countries and their ways, wishes, hopes and stories, plus learning about what kind of work you do!

    Kathy C.

  15. Kathryn told me about this and I'm excited to be here! I think it will be a very intersting journey...


  16. I'm really looking forward to practicing joy!

  17. I'm really looking forward to experiencing and sharing this journey!

  18. If I'm going to add one more thing to a full plate, it might as well be JOY!

  19. Yay!! Let the joy begin!!! Or continue, anyway! This will be fun and educational, I'm sure. Looking forward to sharing everyone's journey.

  20. good energy, good thoughts to all. let's do this!

  21. I'm pretty excited about this book and the challenge of the first week! I love your suggestions for the journey, I definitely need a lil' joy journal! :)

  22. I'm having trouble posting here so sorry if I am repeating myself. So happy to be part of the group. Check out my entry on the Joy Diet. I made my Joy collage Jamie - loved the video - really inspiring. I'm going to do "nothing" now ;)

  23. A post on the first day... that brings joy right there!! See you, meet you all over the next few months!!

  24. Woo-hoo! I'm excited! Thank you for doing this. I'm off to start doing nothing! ;)

  25. I am so ready for more JOY in my life!

  26. WOOT! I'm so excited to be a part of this with all of you and Jamie, special thanks to you for helping me out with the HTML badge for my brand spanking new blog. It's not pretty yet, but I just had to make one to be part of this lovely group. Bring on the joy! :)

  27. Love that word "amping"! Excited to be growing more Joy with this great group of folks. Thank you!

  28. I just found this and am so excited! I don't even have the book yet, but I do want to participate. Joy, joy, joy!! :) Silke

  29. I'm here! I'm here! I can't wait to do Nothing. I'm not even sure I know how. My book is with me and I am ready to share some JOY with all of you!

  30. Jamie,
    I serendipitously stopped by tonight and was instantly captivated by your video, the journey ahead! I am unprepared but open at the same time! hopefully I can pick up the book soon, meanwhile I will follow your videos and I enjoy them very much! I've always desired a loving coach and from the video and your main site~I was so touched, you have NO idea! I was like a little schoolgirl again- bubbling over with JOY! I am so blessed to know you on Day 1 and I am looking forward to this journey ahead! ;) Namaste! ;) ~Jen /Sharmila
    p.s. I'm sorry my link is not posted direct! I have to figure this out and this journey is unexpected and exciting, so I will try to catch up to speed soon with the rest of you! ;)

  31. So many fellow travelers! This is exciting! Love the vision card idea. The next time I'm in town, I'll have to buy some large index cards just for this process.

    Thanks, dear Jamie, for being our facilitator and travel guide. I know this is going to be an amazing journey.

  32. Great Video Jamie! my laptop is broken so I am using my cousins Giant mac and your video sure looks good. I look forward to participating.

  33. This is my first time with 'the next chapter' and am really looking forward to it!

  34. Hello all! I am so ready for this journey and Jamie the idea of a vision card is just awesome.

  35. Hello all! I am so ready for this journey and Jamie the idea of a vision card is just awesome.

  36. This is my first time playing with ya'll and my third time reading The Joy Diet. It's one of my all time favorite self-expansion books.

  37. Just coming on board- special thanks to Gemini Visions for letting me know about it. Looking forward to the reading and interaction!

  38. Am delighted to be joining this group. Thank you for instigating this!

  39. Hello Jamie,
    I am so happy to join in this wonderful adventure, to find more joy and share in some too!

  40. Starting late because of computer issues that MADE me do nothing :) New here, tried to do Wreck this Journal but found it too late. I am not letting my lateness stop me this time. Glad to have found you, thank you for doing this.


  41. Finally have a "hello" blog post up! Can't wait to embark on this adventure with everyone!

  42. I am INSPIRED to begin! :) I love your videos, Jamie. BIG HUGS to you! :)

  43. Just got my copy in the mail and looking forward to Nothing.

  44. I just posted another post with a midweek checkin. Are we doing it once a week?

  45. Hi!
    I just posted a mini card I made with the nothing theme. Happy to be on this diet together.

  46. My book arrived on yesterday and I'm ready to jump in!

    An administration detail. I have my name on the above list twice: #105 and #107. Please delete #105 because it doesn't link directly to my Joy Diet page.

    Thank you!

  47. Well My book arrived today and I am ready to join the group.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. I know this is my second comment, but I couldn't help myself...

    I've just spent almost an entire hour reading blogs. Something that I haven't done in a long, long time. Oh my gosh. What an incredible group there is here! I am so excited to be on this journey with ALL of you! :)


I'm so glad we're sharing the Joy Journey! Here's to amping up our joy!